A picture is worth a thousand words

Juan Osborne is a graphic artist who has captured a picture entirely through words…. See for yourself!

Juan Osborne Word Art

Check out Juan Osborne’s astonishing word art here:


Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory

Are we really just one type of learner? Can we be many? And can we change from one type of learner to another?

Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences expanded the traditional notion of what is ‘intelligence’ to include this range of possibilities:

  • Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)
  • Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”)
  • Musical intelligence (“music smart”)
  • Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)
  • Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart”)
  • Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)

At the time of it’s publication (1983), the theory gave other types of learners a chance to ‘shine.’ For example, those who excelled in visual arts might have been  considered ‘talented’ but not necessarily ‘intelligent’. Gardner’s theory made room for this distinction.

However, are these categories useful? Or do they simply box people into one type of learner or another?

For me, the individual and the context in which the learner receives and shares information and ideas –is what matters most. Each of us unique. But it takes time and effort and intelligence to get to know what works for each of us.

Are YOU intelligent? … Take the test. 😉


To learn more about Gardner’s theory on MI, and how he relates it to the use of multimedia and technology, visit his site: http://www.howardgardner.com/MI/mi.html



So what is the oldest page on the Web?

Ever wondered what the oldest page is on the wwweb?…. Not surprizingly, Tim Berners Lee is the author with an interesting perspective on it. This blog sheds some light on the subject:




An innovative way of displaying information … by Corning.

One of my students pointed me to a video clip showing the future of information design, so thought I would share it with you all. Here is a link to  …. The future of Information Design


Sir Ken Robinson on Creativity in Education….

This is definitely something worth thinking about!

a creative idea for a website … boone oakley

Where does creativity come from?

a documentary on web 3.0 : the semantic web

Check out this smart documentary on the semantic web (web 3.0) by kateray.net. It features a few of the biggest, brightest thinkers and pioneers of the Web, including Tim Berners Lee, Google scientist, Alon Halevy and MIT prof, David Kargy –all discussing the structure of the web (or the need for one).

In it, NYU New Media prof, Clay Shirky asks the DEEP PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTION: … “Does the world make sense? Or do we make sense of the world?”

I think the answer is clear: We need to make sense of the world (wide web) for it to be useful!

Here, web 3.0 is a semantic web. It’s about creating meaningful relationships between and among data. <!–Insert social networking plug here!–> It’s a world where indexes and meta-data matter most. It’s like one ginormous database!

It is however, an interesting exercise to imagine what the World Wide Web looks like, or might look like.

Check it out and see for yourself!

in living colour!

Ever wondered why some creatures are so colourful? –Just think of the range of colour from birds’ feathers to butterfly wings to snake skin, insects and amazing underwater life!

I was reminded of last year’s visit to Harvard’s Natural History Museum exhibit on Colour in Genetics, when I discovered these great photos of nudibranchs in National Geographic. These cute little guys are actually sea slugs! –Their colours are incredible, but they’re also incredibly toxic!  (Pretty cute though, huh?)

I pulled out my Moleskine and reviewed my notes from the exhibit, and thought I’d share my insights with you ….


Reds, oranges and yellows that appear in sharp contrast, against black or white in an organism that lives in an otherwise neutral environment, sends the message, loud and clear: STAY AWAY! to potential predators. This natural phenomena is called aposematism. Basically, it’s when toxic, dangerous, or bad-tasting animals use bright colours to avert their prey.

But Mother Nature is sometimes tricky! Some creatures have these colours, but are not dangerous at all! –They cleverly fool their predators into thinking they are, by mimicking the coloration of dangerous living organisms, like many butterflies in the Amazon.


Some birds and mammals change colour by shedding their feathers or fur with the changing seasons. But many fish, amphibians and reptiles can change colour much more quickly, by adapting pigmentation in living skin cells, called chromatophores. In fact, chameleons don’t change colour to camouflage themselves, like most people think! Scientists have proven that chameleons actually communicate emotions like interest, excitement, anger or fear, when changing colour!

–However, this clever chameleon might have you think otherwise! (With a little video editing help from the author! )

But cephalopods, like octopus, cuttlefish and squid are the true masters of  colour shifting! Cuttlefish signal rivals and mates with wave after wave of colour shifting. Even more amazingly, octopus can replicate background, colour and texture so perfectly that they appear to disappear with the blink of an eye! Take a peek for yourselves … No video editing here, folks! –Enjoy!

Wallpaper Magazine: Design your own cover! –August issue

For those of you who want to take a stab at cover design, Wallpaper Magazine has just come up with a clever new way to get subscribers for their August issue!

They’ve created an interactive designer’s toolkit, complete with designs by James Joyce, The HortAnthony BurrillKam Tang, and Nigel Robinson –that you use to build your very own Wallpaper cover. So if you want to showcase your creative talents in this edgey design magazine…. Try it out! Here’s mine:

something to tweet about!

Happy Victoria Day!

I came across this article through the laughing squid site…

According to iA, they’ve identified the 140 most influential people on twitter, sorted by #name #handle #category #influence and #activity. You can even purchase a poster of it, (though truthfully, I’m not sure why you would want one!) It’s an interesting exercise just the same … it provides a snapshot of what matters most to the Twitter community. (And you guessed it, some of it is as banal as you may have thought! … E.g.  Jason Santa Maria, 02 | 09: ‘Trying to wake up.’)